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Who are we?


Swap-O-Rama-Rama is the world's largest clothing swap and DIY workshop! Wendy Tremayne started this non-profit organization as a means to transform the idea of consumerism, reduce textile waste, and encourage the exchange of ideas with her community (see credo here  As a result, she has recruited volunteer organizers in over 100 cities all over the world, on every continent except Antarctica.  The SwapMaMa aka CC Clark joins the many local organizers that produce this amazing and inspirational event worldwide.  The SwapMama oversees the  Bay Area Swap-o-Rama-Rama's volunteers that gather every year to produce the ultimate celebration of creativity at Maker Faire in San Mateo in May and continues to bolster that creativity throughout the year with their monthly MeetUp group every 3rd Saturday of the month (except for May).   It is a way to expose people who are unaware of what we do by allowing our volunteers to show and tell ideas of how to re-purpose anything textile from clothing, home decor, and beyond; ultimately extending its usefulness and postponing its entrance into the waste stream. We invite all ages to bring a bag of clothing and join in the monthly clothing swap fun, learn a new skill and do their part to reduce waste by volunteering for Maker Faire in May.


Gandhi said, "There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness."

© 2016 by Bay Area Swap o Rama Rama

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